Hi, I’m Charity Taylor May.

How do you find fulfillment in the day to day that extends beyond the work that you are tasked to do?

Fulfillment for me comes from exploring the answers to these three questions:

What did I create?

Who did I influence?

How well did I love?

And so herein lies the motivation for me following this Good Path that may not always make logical sense.

I am eager to seek out meaningful experiences to demonstrate a life well lived. A life which participates in the renewal of this world. There is a profound interconnectedness which lends itself to having us bring our whole selves together to embrace the complexity and step into the purpose of co-creating this treacherous and beautiful world.

I aspire to build towards a world in which compassion leads to change. Abundance is the reality, gratitude is the road to awareness and generosity is the practice. Our systems and structures can also reflect this paradigm, it's found in nature who helps us as a mentor, measure and mold.

I am most fascinated with systems and the complexity of interwoven relationships. I’m interested in discovering how we can repair or renew the bonds within living systems that have been neglected or destroyed.

I have a theory that this could be how we participate in the renewal of this world while we breathe. This is the metanarrative from which my expressed life extends.

Sacred Futures

towards a regenerative economy

building the infrastructure for a more just and sacred future.

Most artists I know create for two audiences. The first audience has to be for artist herself. But the second audience is the one for which the art comes to life. Reading prose or poetry makes it alive. Again and again and again.

And so by you interacting with me on this page and through other mediums, I owe you gratitude.

Gratitude for giving these words life. For allowing them to breathe. Because it has been silent for too long.

In this small corner of the world wide web, I will share snippets of the interior and exterior of my essence.

My professional experiences and qualifications you can find on LinkedIn (and also shared in my Portfolio).

My interior processes, external musings and reflections you can peruse in the communal journal, “On Soil and Life”. The concept for this journal is one that I have wanted to make a reality for several years. And now the body of expression - prose, essays, poems, visual art - will live in this medium.

Be well,



experience, trainings and general accomplishments.

On Soil & Life

notes, poetry and musings on what it means to live fully.